Reno: Decontamination of approximately 50 pentaborane cylinders previously emptied and opened to the atmosphere yet still containing reactive residue.
Port Heiden:
Kemron Environmental Services for the US Corps of Engineers, US Department of Defense
| Excavation, management, and disposal of compressed gas cylinders | Approximately 20 cylinders disposed
Idaho Falls: Idaho National Laboratory, Department of Energy | Gas Cylinder Remediation | 147 cylinders excavated, and 800 pounds HF neutralized on site
Weymouth: Halliburton NUS for the Department of Defense, Weymouth Naval Air Station | Emergency Removal of Chlorine Gas Cylinders | Excavation and intrusive access of deteriorated cylinders
Woburn: Rust Remediation, Inc. for the US Environmental Protection Agency | Industri-Plex Superfund site, cylinder management | 11 compressed gas cylinders in a state of advanced decay sampled, analyzed, and disposed
Battle Creek: Defense Reutilization and Marketing for the Department of Defense | Ammonia Repackaging and Tank Removal 1 500-gallon ammonia tank removed, and content recovered for recycle
Greenville: Ovonics Advanced Environmental Services, Inc | Pyrophoric Fuel Cell Neutralization and Disposal Approximately 100 containers
Environmental Resources Management | Disposal of Deteriorated Sulfur Dioxide Cylinders 3 badly deteriorated cylinders disposed
Albuquerque: Sandia National Laboratory US Department of Energy | Cylinder Identification and Disposal | Approximately 450 cylinders identified and destroyed
Albuquerque: Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute | Management of Radio Active Gases | 9 Radiological gases managed
Philadelphia: Earth Tech for the United States Environmental Protection Agency | Superfund Action: Cylinder Sampling, Analysis, and Disposal | Several 100 refrigerants recovered and recycled
Philadelphia: WATEC for the Department of Defense, United States Navy | Cleanup of Cylinder Disposal Site | Disposal of excavated of presumed chemical warfare agent
Newport: United States Navy, Naval Education and Training Center | Cylinder Analysis and Recycling | 11 cylinders analyzed in preparation for recycling
Columbia: Environmental Technology of North America, Inc. for the US Environmental Protection Agency | Superfund Emergency Response – Cylinder Clean-Up | Approximately 350 high hazard cylinders analyzed and disposed under difficult conditions
Greenville: Airgas | Emergency Response for Removal and Neutralization of Hydrogen Chloride | 1 Tube Trailer
Bessemer City : FMC Corporation | Lithium Cylinder and Tank Wagon Management | 88 cylinders and one 600 gallons neutralized
Bessemer City: FMC Corporation | Lithium Cylinder Management | 1 container
Portsmouth: Portsmouth National Laboratory | Disposal of Uranium Hexafluoride Cylinders | Approximately 470 cylinders converted
Portsmouth: S.M. Stoller Corporation | Portsmouth Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion | Approximately 700 cylinders managed
Tulsa: Ozark Fluorine | Disposition of High Hazard Fluorinated Gases | More than 1,200 cylinders of highly hazards materials neutralized.
Nitro: Four Seasons Environmental, Inc. for the US Environmental Protection Agency | Cylinder Remediation of the Fike Chemical Superfund Site | Management of numerous excavated cylinders
Norfolk: Laidlaw Environmental Services, Inc for the Department of Defense | Recontainerization of Chlorine Gas Cylinders | 6 deteriorated cylinders recontainerized, 75 cylinders sent to recycle
Wallops Island: Enviro/Consultants Group, Ltd. For NASA | Cylinder Sampling of Damaged Unknowns | 2 damaged cylinders sampled and processed
Honolulu : University of Hawaii | Compressed Gas Cylinder Neutralization and Removal | Approximately 80 cylinders disposed
Multiple Facilities : Defense Reutilization and Marketing Agency, Department of Defense | On and off-site disposal of compressed gas cylinders form various military installations |Approximately 500 cylinders managed
Meddybemps: State of Maine | Smith’s Junkyard Cleanup | Approximately 10,000 cylinders collected, identified, and disposed
Environmental Restoration for the United States Environmental Protection Agency |
Superfund response |
Approximately 1,500 cylinders managed
Corpus Christi :
Arcadis for confidential client |
Gas Cylinder Excavation |
17 cylinders excavated, and content destroyed
Southern Methodist University |
Pentaborane Cylinder Management |
8 cylinders of pentaborane destroyed
NSSI/Sources and Services |
Pentaborane Disposal |
12 cylinders processed
Treatment One, Subsidiary of SET |
Pentaborane Disposal at Treatment One |
3 cylinders processed
La Porte :
Matheson TriGas |
Compressed Gas Cylinder Excavation, Identification, and Treatment |
67 cylinders |
La Porte:
Confidential Client |
Hydrogen Cyanide Cylinder Remediation |
1 cylinder neutralized
Yuma: Kiber Environmental for the Department of Defense, United States Army. Yuma Proving Ground | Disposal of Gas Cylinders Hazardous Waste | On-site repackaging of highly hazardous gases including phosgene
Frederick: Shaw Environmental for Department of Defense, Fort Detrick | Management of Biologically and Contaminated Gas Cylinders | 60 cylinders remotely accessed and destroyed by steam or chemical neutralization
Indian Head: Department of Defense, United States Navy, Naval Surface Warfare Center
| Cylinder Sampling, Analysis, and Disposal |Management of highly hazardous materials including triethyl aluminum and nitrogen trioxide
Gainesville : Environmental Technology, Inc for the University of Florida | Pentaborane Disposal | 1.5 pounds of pentaborane destroyed
Tavares : Ferrellgas, LLC | Propane Gas Cylinder Management |Approximately 70,000 cylinders
Amelia: Granite Environmental, Inc | Propylene Management | Approximately 40 cylinders
Washington, DC : States Environmental Protection Agency | Anthrax Decontamination at the US Capitol | Anthrax attach cleanup and lead in development of biological sampling techniques
Washington, DC : US Naval Research Laboratory, Department of Defense | Building Decontamination, Gas Cylinder Processing Reactive Chemical Stabilization | 1 building decontaminated, 70 cylinders disposed, numerous reactive stabilized
Washington, D.C: Reactives Management Corporation for the Naval Research Laboratory | Pentaborane and Tetra fluorohydrazine Disposal | 1 cylinder each of these dangerous chemicals safely neutralized
Anniston : Shaw Environmental for Department of Defense, Ft. McClellan | Suspect Chemical Warfare Agent Disposition | 1 cylinder suspect warfare agent, accessed and sampled.
Redstone Arsenal : OHM Remediation Services for Department of Defense | sample, analyze, repackage, and dispose compressed gas cylinders | multiple cylinders of phosgene destroyed.
Argonne National Laboratory, Department of Energy |
Feasibility Study and Treatment of Technetium Hexafluoride and Containment of Technetium 99 |
1 cylinder
Argonne National Laboratory |
Disposition of radiological gases |
12 cylinders managed
Honeywell MTW |
Building Decontamination Project |
Sulfur Hexafluoride Production Facility
Irwin: Nuclear Fuel Services | Design and Construction of Specialized Accessing Equipment | 1 system
Memphis: Pollution Control Industries | Waste Gas Cylinder Disposal | Approximately 75 small compressed gas cylinders managed
Newport: Westinghouse Remediation Services | Inc for the US Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Site Removal of Gas Cylinders from Allied Brands | 27 cylinders identified, repackaged, shipped off site
Oak Ridge: Department of Energy | Gas Cylinder Remediation Project | Approximately 1,500 cylinders
Oak Ridge: US Department of Energy | East Tennessee Technology Park Intrusive Access of Uranium Hexafluoride Tank and Neutralization of Content | 1 container
Oak Ridge: Lockheed Martin Energy Systems for the Department of Energy | Nitrogen Tetroxide and Hydrogen Fluoride Management 30 500-pound containers of HF and 10 cylinders of Nitrogen Tetroxide sampled and recycled
Oak Ridge: Lockheed Martin Energy Systems/EET for the Department of Energy | Disposal of Waste Compressed Gas Cylinders | 21 cylinders destroyed
Oak Ridge: Bechtel Jacobs Corporation for the Department of Energy | Waste Compressed Gas Cylinder Management | Approximately 1,000 cylinders managed over 3 years
Oak Ridge: UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy | National Cylinder Collection and Disposal Ordering Agreement | Approximately 5,000 cylinders, collected, identified and disposed
Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (K-25) | Evacuation and Neutralization of fluorine and hydrogen fluoride from Piping and Tie Lines | Approximately 8,000 feet evacuated, decontaminated, and removed
Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (K-25) | Evacuation and Neutralization of fluorine and hydrogen fluoride from Piping and Tie Lines | Approximately 10,000 feet evacuated, decontaminated, and removed
Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (K-25) | Evacuation and Neutralization of Hydrogen Fluoride Tank Farm and Associated Tie Lines | 8 tanks, 1 scrubber, 12,000 feet piping decontaminated and decommissioned
Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, X-10 Campus | Trimethyl Aluminum Neutralization and Disposal | 1 cylinder of pyrophoric material destroyed
Oak Ridge: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. | Bechtel Jacobs Corporation, LLC | Evacuation and Neutralization of Building K-27 Piping and Tie Lines
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory US Department of Energy |
Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion to Uranium Oxide Compounds |
Conversion of over 50 pounds of natural and depleted material
University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Cylinder Handling and Disposal |
Disposal of radiological gases
University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Cylinder Handling and Disposal |
Disposal of radiological contaminated methane, acetylene and carbon monoxide
University of California, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
High hazard cylinder management |
Oxygen difluoride managed on-site
Edwards Air Force Base:
Jacobs Technology for the United States Air Force |
Neutralization of Experimental Rocket Fuel Oxidizing Components |
Approximately 85 cylinders
Edwards Air Force Base:
Jacobs Technology for the United States Air Force |
Chlorine Trifluoride and Oxygen Difluoride Disposal |
16 one-ton containers of chlorine trifluoride |
27 cylinders containing oxygen difluoride
San Clemente:
Northrop Grumman Space Technology |
Fluorine Transfer and Process Piping Neutralization |
Approximately 500 pounds of fluorine and WALDOX repackaged for recycle
Woodland Hills:
Confidential Client |
Repackaging Fluorine and Decommissioning Abandoned Fluorine Production Facilities |
Recovered for resale approximately 150 cylinders of fluorine gas
Brookhaven: Dames & Moore for Brookhaven National Laboratory| Compressed Gas Cylinder Remediation | Approximately 90 cylinders disposed
Cornell University: Cornell University | Uranium Hexafluoride Disposition | 5 pounds of uranium hexafluoride converted to disposable radiological waste
Upton: Brookhaven National Laboratory | Uranium Hexafluoride and Miscellaneous Cylinders Disposition | 5 cylinders of UF6 converted and 18 previously landfilled cylinders neutralized
Defense Reutilization and Marketing for United States Marine Corp |
Repackaging of Severely Deteriorated Chlorine Cylinders |
28 severely deteriorated cylinders safely emptied and disposed
Confidential Client |
Biological Decontamination Operation of Commercial Offices |
Anthrax response
Powder Springs:
Advanced Environmental Options for Chlorine manufacturer |
Cylinder Recovery and Remediation |
Over 9000 pounds of chlorine was recovered, recontainerized, and recycled
Matheson Gas Products |
Compressed Gas Cylinder Remediation |
Approximately 300 cylinders recovered from concrete and disposed
Union City:
Confidential Client |
Chlorine Cylinder Emergency Response |
1 cylinder, leaking chorine neutralized in place
Foster-Wheeler Environmental for Bremerton Naval Shipyard |
CERCLA Directed Cylinder Recovery and Disposal |
Approximately 50 previously submerged cylinders processed
Hanford National Laboratory |
Remote Accessing and Sampling of Potentially Radioactive Materials |
96 objects accessed, sampled, analyzed, and disposed
US Department of Energy |
Hanford Container Remediation |
3 cylinders processed
US Department of Energy |
Remote Accessing of Radio Active Pellets and Neutralization of Elemental Sodium |
2 cylinders
Environmental Restoration | Inc for the United States Environmental Protection Agency |
Superfund Emergency Response for onsite management of compressed gas cylinders |
Approximately 2,000 cylinders managed
Bell Mead:
Charter Contracting Co. for the Government Services Agency |
Excavation and Processing of Compressed Gas Cylinders, Former Army Depot |
172 cylinders processed
East Rutherford:
Reux Associates |
Excavation and remediation of gas cylinders |
Approximately 15 cylinders found and neutralized
East Rutherford:
Matheson Trigas |
Hydrogen Cyanide Disposal |
5 cylinders disposed in cylinder management device